Lucas, how beautiful!
I'm afraid I must disagree with you dear Dalinian- you seem to be a good hearted person who seeks to live your truth and share it with others. Perhaps you will allow an "old lady" of 41 to share a thought with you.
I believe it is a common misconception that to "Love oneself" is selfish and somehow a negative thing. There is certainly plenty of selfishness in our society. However, it depends on how you define love- and what it means to love yourself (as Lucas so beautifully puts it..."perfectly"). I too believe that we should love ourselves perfectly-
I have found that in order to love others you must love yourself. I do not mean you should be conceited or put your own interests ahead of another. But to recognize your life as the gift that it is and cherish it, love it.... To me, there is no greater way to thank your creator than to appreciate the gift of your life that you have been given. Loving yourself means taking care of your health and making good choices, being grateful and so much more. All of this makes you a better servant, more able to give of yourself-- not less. (There is a reason why the airplane attendants instruct adults to secure their own oxygen masks before putting on the masks of their children-it isn't selfish- it is to ensure they will be able to help their children.)
The teachings of Jesus do not conflict with this... so please do not be afraid to love yourself "perfectly" for you are precious and wonderful and have much to give.